After 11 hours of flight, we finally arrive in Cape Town. It's 8:00 am and the very first thing we see (apart from the airport parking lot) is Table Mountain with a double rainbow going all the way across. The team is sorry to say that we were too tired to think about taking a picture but the sense of wonder and extraordinary that we felt overwhelmed with made us know that the south african experience we were about to have was going to change our lives (if this sounds cheesy remember that we just got out of an 11 hour flight).
The first (friendly) persons that we met were Niv, who is going to be in charge of our group during the program, and Joe who is going to drive us around in the SHAWCO bus during our stay.
We then headed off to the 41 Trill Road in Observatory where we are all staying in the backpackers called 33 South, where the manager is called Alan and is the nicest and coolest backpackers manager we have ever met.
We took the afternoon to regain energy after such a long trip and had the opportunity to meet a little friend whose mum works at the backpackers. Communication was restrained by the fact that he speaks one of the many languages in South Africa which are not English (only the second most spoken language in South Africa).
More pictures to come, we still need to sort out the Internet restriction at the backpackers.
More pictures to come, we still need to sort out the Internet restriction at the backpackers.
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